Logo do TopconCUSTOMER

Customer App with a Macro View of the Project

Let your client track the project and concrete delivery logistics from anywhere.

Ilustração do TopconCUSTOMER
Ofereça a melhor experiência com o app mobile para concreteiras da TOPCON


Offer the best experience for your customer

TopconCUSTOMER is a mobile app available for your concrete plant’s clients. With it, your client can monitor and track all concrete deliveries to the project in real-time, from anywhere, thanks to connectivity.

Customize it with your concrete plant’s branding and give your clients the freedom to request scheduling, view complete financial information, and much more.

Emitir faturas, boletos e NFS-e
Issue invoices, boletos, and NFS-e

Your clients will have simplified access to boletos for payment, contracts, and invoices, making the financial management process more efficient and organized.

Consulta de limite de crédito
Credit limit inquiry

Your clients can view the registered and available credit limit they have with your concrete plant.

Permissão personalizada por usuário e por obra
Custom permissions by user and by project

Flexibility in customization by user and access permissions for each project. Control access based on your client and user profile.


Provide agility and transparency to your client with easy usability and access to all project information in real-time, right at their fingertips.

Your client will be able to track deliveries, request scheduling, manage finances, and view credit limits.

Use technology to empower people and boost your business productivity.

O cliente no centro das operações da concreteira com TopconCUSTOMER
Identidade visual da concreteira
Concrete plant visual identity

The app is an extension of your brand, with visual identity and logo. Make it easy to find in the iOS or Android store, allowing clients to search by your concrete plant's name.

Integração com rastreamento
Integration with tracking

The client's app is fully integrated with TopconFLEET, allowing the client to track the mixers serving their project at that moment.

Monitoramento da produtividade da obra 100% mobile
Project productivity monitoring 100% mobile

The app provides agility, autonomy, and transparency for your client to manage the construction site with ease and usability in a 100% mobile experience.

Aumente a gestão e produtividade com um sistema para concreteiras que funciona

Management and Productivity, Adding More Value to Concrete Sales

Your concrete plant’s client can have the autonomy to request schedules, access contracts, view complete schedules, delivery history, issue invoices, bills, NFSe, and reports.

The TopconCUSTOMER dashboard can be accessed via desktop or mobile, without the need for local installation.

Visualização de entregas em tempo real e programações detalhadas
Real-time delivery tracking and detailed scheduling

The app allows your clients to view all completed concrete deliveries, today's schedule, and future ones, providing a comprehensive view of the operational flow.

Solicitação de programação simplificada
Simplified scheduling request

Your clients can now request concrete delivery scheduling through the app, awaiting approval from the person responsible for scheduling/production at the plant.

Visualização de contratos realizados
View of contracts made

It is possible to view issued contracts with complete information on routes, volumes, and contracted values.

Logo do TopconCUSTOMER


We are ready to enhance communication with your clients and optimize your operations.

Potencialize a comunicação com os clientes com Topcon CUSTOMER. Peça uma demonstração

TopconCUSTOMER is fully integrated with TopconDISPATCH and TopconFLEET, ensuring that the information is reliable and accurate. Its interface can be accessed via desktop or mobile, with no need for local installation.